Sunday, December 26, 2004

Nature oR Nuture

Originally uploaded by sherIZAN.

Another key ingredient to a great shot is the eye for an angle… For the longest time I was told or much better said brain washed by what is ‘norm’ in society, that this key ingredient to great photographs is a god given talent. Something that you are born with, build it rather than acquired; nature rather than nurture. And many a times we find that this talent starts to show itself in the photographer from a tender age. But the image above clearly defies this myth...

An amazing shot… beautifully framed, which is a direct effect of effective composition; and the beauty of it is this was taken by my fiancée, SherIZAN who until a year ago had no interest in photography what so ever nor did she ever simply just have it… I have seen her experiment and hone in her talent from par till this. And there is more where this came from… Just check her fLickr site out, by clicking on the image above…


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